Kinokologue is a cabinet of sonic curiosities, explored through the eyes, ears, and the imagination. In exploration of their continuously changing and growing archive of sound spores, art collective Kinokophone created this interactive sound archive that explores ways of presenting and categorising sound collections. Two Kinokphone members, Jon and Amanda, selected a number of sounds from their audio collections to be housed inside Kinokologue. These sounds were sent to fellow Kinokophone artists, Akiko and Takashi, who listened to the recordings without knowing the sound source. Akiko responded to the sounds through colourful embroideries and Takashi through sculpted models, each of which were placed inside the cabinet as sonic specimen slides and sonic specimen models. Sound playback is initiated by visitors placing a corresponding sonic specimen slide into a viewing box, opening a drawer, or by plugging headphones into a headphone jack. Visitors can view the sculptures and embroideries while composing soundscapes by listening to as many or few of the sounds at one time. They can also contribute ideas about how to categorise our uncategorized sound spores and browse through archived suggestions left by previous visitors.
Kinokologue is made possible by a Micro Commission from Cornerhouse, with support from the Paul Hamlyn Foundation
Kinokophone are very happy to be collaborating with David Marsh Furniture on the build of the cabinet.
Kinokophone would like to thank physics technician, Jay Smith for his support with the custom made electronic elements.
Click here for more images of Kinokologue.